draftwomens congress
Choreographer: Jane Manwelyan
Performed by: Jane Manwelyan, Marisa Clementi, Sura Hertzberg
In collaboration with Pawel Althamer’s Draftsmen’s Congress
New Museum (2014)
“The Neighbors“ exhibition included a new presentation of the artist’s work, Draftsmen’s Congress, originally presented at the 7th Berlin Biennial (2012). Over the course of the exhibition, the blank white space of the New Museum’s Fourth Floor gallery is transformed through the gradual accumulation of drawings and paintings by Museum visitors and a wide array of invited community organizations.
The Draftswomen’s Congress was presented as a four hour interactive dance performance in which the dancers brewed and drank Psilocybin mushroom tea, drew a series of “stages” and boundaries throughout the space, and explored transgression, collaboration, and observation for and alongside visitors to the room.